Resident, holiday home owner or cruising
the Sounds on a regular basis?

Our Story
The Kenepuru & Central Sounds Residents Association (or KCSRA) was established in 1991 as a not-for-profit organisation to promote and act in the best interests of members. Members are residents, ratepayers and persons associated with the area.
- KCSRA believes, through the relationships the organisation has built with local and central government, a sustainable balance between industry demands and recreational use of the Sounds can be found.
- We want to preserve this iconic environment for future generations.
- KCSRA is the eyes and ears of members - a watchdog and information hub.
Some of our Workstreams
We work on a number of issues at any one time, but here are some important ones:
Improving Roads
The KCSRA Committee works hard to have our roads continually maintained and improved. We regularly meet with Marlborough District Council and Marlborough Roads.
Over the years we have been successfull in lobbying for and saw various infrastructures added or improved throughout the Marlborough Sounds like floating jetties, public toilets, ski lanes etc.
The Marine Environment
The KCSRA Marine sub-committee is working tirelessly to introduce balance into the future management of the marine resource for the benefit of both the public and industry. An example of a major issue has been the survival of the Sounds Scallop resource. We are focused on persuading the Minister and MPI that non-commercial stakeholders deserve an equal say in a new and sustainable management structure for this much-valued resource.
Marlborough Environment Plan Hearings
KCSRA have been seeking a more balanced view on various aspects of the proposed new Marlborough Environment Plan. We did this by preparing extensive submissions and then by presenting at the relevant MEP hearings.
You can read our public documents and submissions as well as other general information. We have added 3 documents in the past 6 weeks:
Internal Review and Outcome paper - Portage Subdivision decision in "General Submissions prepared by the Association"
Submission - Annual Pan - Return the Road man in "General Submissions prepared by the Association"
Submission - Annual Plan - Council in-house road engineer in "General Submissions prepared by the Association"
Our Achievements
We are proud to have a long list of achievements. Here are some of the most recent ones:
Join our Association today
The Annual Membership Subscription is only $30. We regularly update you on progress with our KCSRA News as well as general information in our Community Info emails. All you need to join is to fill in your details on our online form. We do offer either bank direct debit payment or a credit card option for payments. You will be issued with a membership number as soon as we have processed the payment.
We can not activate a new membership request without your contact details!